Animal Welfare

‘An Animal Welfare Disaster’: Greyhound Advocates Reeling Over Proposed Breeder Rebate

Content warning: the following contains distressing themes.    Animal advocates are outraged over the recent announcement of a Greyhound Racing Industry rebate – initiated to stimulate breeding in South Australia, with the move sparking renewed calls for state government to introduce breeding caps. This comes as the ninth dog has allegedly died on local greyhound …

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Animal welfare groups welcome mice experiments policy

This week, the National Health and Medical Research Council released a policy statement on Forced Swim test and Smoke test in animals, and strongly recommends to stop this research method. Animal welfare advocates like Animal-Free Science Advocacy welcome the policy, but says the Federal government should ban these methods. Image: Image supplied by Animal-Free Science …

Animal welfare groups welcome mice experiments policy Read More »

Doggy Dementia

Human dementia is a well-documented disease, but a senior Australian veterinary surgeon says it also commonly afflicts man’s best friend – with equally devastating results. Canine Cognitive Dysfunction affects up to 15 per cent of older dogs in Australia and, more often than not, their owners fail to recognise the symptoms. National Radio News Director …

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Can harming animals be ethically justified?

Neuralink, the biotechnology company co-founded by Elon Musk is under federal investigation in the United States for potential animal welfare violations. The company has tested its brain-implant technology in animals including monkeys, sheep and pigs and allege it has killed about 1,500 animals since 2018. Neuralink has admirable goals, which include curing paralysis, blindness and depression. …

Can harming animals be ethically justified? Read More »