About Us
2SEA FM is your South East Community Access Radio Station.
Established in 1995 and licensed in 2000, 2SEA FM broadcasts a combination “live” and local content and syndicated Community Radio Network programs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Station can be heard on 104.7 MHz FM from Eden to the Bermagui, and streamed on the World Wide Web via the listen live button on the homepage of our website.
For over 25 years, 2SEA Community Radio has been bringing you the shows and music you love.
Our station is run by more than 20 Presenters and Support crew and has over 150 associate members who support our volunteers who contribute their skills, commitment and boundless enthusiasm to every aspect of our operation. Over 60 hours per week program content is presented direct from our studios.
Our sound, locally and on stream, is high quality, supported by the highest standard of technological expertise and equipment, making 2SEA FM a station to be proud of. You may not be able to see any of that from the outside, so please come in and visit us.
You could consider becoming a member; think about presenting a program; join us in production or other technical aspects or become a 2SEA FM sponsor.We would love to have you aboard.
Being a community based radio station, 2SEA FM broadcasts a wide range of programs reflecting the broad community across the Sapphire Coast. They include a wide range of music not generally available on local radio stations. We will always be interested in programs of all styles and for all age groups, and wish to promote local music including live broadcasts.
We also welcome people interested, for example, in general current affairs and local news, sports, the arts, youth issues, environmental, political and social issues, health, science and technology, ethnic and indigenous issues, minority groups, student issues, disability, and other community access issues.Previous experience is not necessary as presenters will be trained.
If you are interested in becoming a presenter, contact the station programing committee via email at radio@2sea.com.au.
The aim of Eden Community Radio Incorporated is to run a volunteer community broadcasting operation that always encourages active community involvement.
To achieve this aim, all members agree to the objectives and to the Rules of the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia.