New research from Macquarie University has found honeybees could be an invaluable tool in monitoring contaminants and pollution found in urban environments.
The research suggests bees could be used to track the spread of antimicrobial resistance, a growing global health concern driven by overuse and misuse of antibiotics. The studies also used bees to map chemical contaminants and toxic metals like lead.
The Wire’s Mary-Kate Hannagan spoke to Professor Mark Patrick Taylor, Chief Environmental Scientist at Environment Protection Authority Victoria and co-author of the studies, to learn more about the research.
To find out more, you can read the full research paper via this link:
Image: Image Source: Pexels
Produced By: Mary-Kate Hannagan
Featured In Story: Professor Mark Patrick Taylor, Chief Environmental Scientist, Environment Protection Authority Victoria, and
First aired on The Wire, Monday 28 August 2023