Climate change impacts on Australian households

Climate change is a hot topic featuring heavily in the media, government election campaigns, corporate sustainability plans, and of course from environmental organisations.

But what does climate change mean for Australian households?

Dr Harpreet Singh Kandra is a research and education professional in environmental engineering, with Federation University, and a community leader, awarded the Cardinia Shire Australia Day 2019 Citizen of the Year award, for their work to plan and build the Sikh temple in Officer, Victoria.

Dilpreet Kaur Taggar spoke with Dr Harpreet Singh Kandra about how Australian businesses, communities and households can be more active in the climate change movement.

Image: Image credit: Unsplash

Produced By: Dilpreet Kaur Taggar

Featured In Story: Dr Harpreet Singh Kandra – research and education professional in environmental engineering with Federation University

First aired on The Wire, Tuesday, 30 May 2023