Yom Kippur War veteran calls for an end to Israel-Hamas Conflict

David D’Vash is a farmer on the Northern Rivers of NSW. Many years ago he was also a soldier in the Israeli Army as a 19 year old in the Yom Kippur War.

This war was a surprise attack simultaneously by Egypt and Syria on Israel on the 6th of October 1973. The conflict lasted nineteen days, resulting in Israeli victory

David recounts the day the war broke out and the fear that followed both sides into war. He also explores how this conflict affected Israel, as well as how the current Israel/Palestine conflict reflects the Yom Kippur War, and calls for peace.

Image: Image: Shutterstock – Barbara Ash

Produced By: Roderick Chambers

Featured In Story: David D’Vash, and

First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 1 November 2023