Unspoken expectation: a burden on First Nations people in workplace cultural events

Each year Australia hosts a number of observed days and weeks, dedicated to First Nations people. From Reconciliation week, and Sorry Day through to the more celebratory NAIDOC week.

However, opinions around such cultural events in the workplace are mixed, with some First Nations academics saying Indigenous people are expected to bear the brunt of planning and educating non-indigenous people during these events and culture relations – and often without added pay.

A recent survey further highlights 39% of First Nations participants said they carry the burden of additional ‘cultural load’ in the form of extra work demands.

Image: Image courtesy of Unsplash: Redd f

Produced By: Emma Wotzke

Featured In Story: Dr Kelly Menzel – Associate Dean Education at Gnibi College of Indigenous Australian Peoples, Southern Cross University and proud Ngadjuri woman with ancestral connections to Bundjalung Nation., and

First aired on The Wire, Thursday 6 July 2023