
Are flying cars near to become reality?

Flying cars could be a reality much sooner than expected. Air taxi technology and transport drones have seen recent developments by several Chinese-based aviation companies, after the government gave strategic priority to what’s being called the ‘low-altitude economy’. Shanghai-based aviation technology company Auto Flight recently completed a successful test flight of one of the vehicles. …

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AI technology aids early Cerebral Palsy diagnosis

AI technology can now help early diagnose babies with Cerebral Palsy by detecting abnormal movements. This breakthrough promises timely analysis and treatment for the condition.   Image: Image from Cloudfront Produced By: Moemina Shukur Featured In Story: Dr Elyse Passmore – Clinician Scientist Fellow at Murdoch Children’s Research Institute First aired on The Wire, Tuesday …

AI technology aids early Cerebral Palsy diagnosis Read More »

Moderating Screen Time a Challenge for Australian Families

As device usage continues to increase in all of our daily lives, more Australian families are struggling with offline bonding and leisure time. Parents who report high screen time often see their habits filtered down to children. Last week, a new study revealed the average Australian three-year-old is exposed to nearly three hours of screen …

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Education and technology supporting inclusion in the workplace

According to the Department of Social Services, 48 per cent of Australians with a disability are employed, compared to 80 per cent from those without a disability. Dinesh Palipana is a doctor, lawyer, and disability advocate who wants more inclusion for people with disabilities in the workforce. He has recently been appointed as Ambassador for …

Education and technology supporting inclusion in the workplace Read More »

Sparks fly over E-bike and Scooter safety

E-scooters are a popular and growing trend throughout the world’s cities. They provide tourists and residents with a way to get around, especially for that ‘last mile’. However, there has been a noticeable rise in e-scooter accidents throughout Australia. States have been responding with additional restrictions, added technology, or outright banning the e-scooter entirely. However, …

Sparks fly over E-bike and Scooter safety Read More »

Screens vs Genes – Cause of Short Sightedness?

New research from optometrists predict nearly half the world’s population will be near-sighted by 2050, with increased screen time named a contributing factor. Though scientists believe genetics plays a role in short-sightedness, its prevalence has risen in recent decades likely due to the role technology plays in our lives.      Image: Image Credit: Daniel Frank …

Screens vs Genes – Cause of Short Sightedness? Read More »