Gendered violence

Australia can learn from Latin America in ending Gendered Violence

The following story contains details some listeners may find distressing. The conversation around ending gendered violence in Australia continues, with the Federal government committing almost a billion dollars in funding to combat the issue. But other countries like Mexico and Argentina have seen great success in adopting alternative models of policing when it comes to …

Australia can learn from Latin America in ending Gendered Violence Read More »

UNSW Launches First national Survey Into LGBTIQA+ Experience of Sexual Violence

Research suggests LGBTIQA+ people experience higher rates of sexual violence than the broader Australian population. However, until recently, there has never been national-level research into how LGBTIQA+ Australians experience sexual violence. The Gender Violence Research Network from the University of New South Wales is collecting important information from all diversities of the LGBTIQA+ communities, on …

UNSW Launches First national Survey Into LGBTIQA+ Experience of Sexual Violence Read More »