Family Court

Mediation sessions for First Nation families on Family Law

Mediation experts say Family Law in Australia is one of the main reasons why Indigenous families are often caught up in domestic violence. And one particular agency, the Mediation Institute, is trying to address the complex nature of the Family Law Act and its impact on Aboriginal families. The Institute holds courses encouraging family-led decision …

Mediation sessions for First Nation families on Family Law Read More »

Bella* thought the family court would protect her and her kids, she was wrong.

Bella* is a mother who escaped a domestic violence relationship with her children. She never expected the system designed to protect her kids could cause further harm. Bella’s perpetrator used the family court system to continue the ongoing cycle of abuse and control. Now, women around the country with experiences like Bella’s are instigating a …

Bella* thought the family court would protect her and her kids, she was wrong. Read More »

Australia’s family court failing domestic violence survivors

Content warning: This interview talks about domestic and family violence. Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS) released survey results about community attitudes on gendered violence, revealing Australians still have a long way to  go when it comes to community attitudes towards domestic violence. The 2021 National Community Attitudes Survey revealed 37% of respondents …

Australia’s family court failing domestic violence survivors Read More »