
Private insurers won’t cover nuclear reactors, will taxpayers front the cost?

The coalition’s nuclear energy proposal continues to spark concern today, over revelations the private insurance sector won’t cover nuclear reactors.  This morning, Insurance Council of Australia CEO, Andrew Hall, told ABC RN that insurance for nuclear energy would be left up to the government. Energy experts and advocates say this could see the financial burden …

Private insurers won’t cover nuclear reactors, will taxpayers front the cost? Read More »

Alternatives to Labor’s Disputed $10 Billion Housing Fund

Building social and affordable housing using returns from a $10 billion investment seems to be the answer to the skyrocketing rental costs for Labor. Despite the promise of 30,000 social and affordable homes built in its first five years, the proposal is now facing great resistance in the senate. Image: Image: Shutterstock – Jandrie Lombard …

Alternatives to Labor’s Disputed $10 Billion Housing Fund Read More »