
The line between negative political campaigns and racism

Negative political campaigns targeting opponents in the lead up to elections are common. But where’s the line between negative campaigns and racism? Brisbane’s Former Greens Mayoral candidate Jonathan Sriranganathan claims this happened to him, as the only person of colour to run for Mayor. Image: Jonathan Sriranganathan claims some of the LNP narrative about him …

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Program Empowering Diverse Women in Australian Politics sees Success

Women with diverse backgrounds are still underrepresented across all levels of government in Australian politics. However, a program offered by the Queensland University of Technology has proven successful in its efforts to address the gap. At Queensland’s last local government election, thirteen of the program’s graduates won seats. Image: Cr. Faraj, 22, is the only …

Program Empowering Diverse Women in Australian Politics sees Success Read More »

Independent MP speaks on Dutton’s Election Promise to Defund EDO

Last week, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton promised to defund the Environmental Defenders Office if the coalition wins next year’s federal election. The EDO is an environmental legal centre, running litigation and offering legal support in climate change and environmental cases.  The election promise follows recent criticism of the EDO’s conduct in court regarding witness coaching, …

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Landmark ACT Bill Banning Irreversible Procedures for Intersex Children Now In Effect

In March last year, the ACT passed a bill that would ban irreversible medical procedures for young intersex people. The laws came into effect at the beginning of this year, the first of their kind in any jurisdiction in Australia. The bill will stop deferrable treatments on intersex people’s sex characteristics until they’re old enough …

Landmark ACT Bill Banning Irreversible Procedures for Intersex Children Now In Effect Read More »

Migrants to a manic market

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced changes to Australia’s immigration policy on Saturday. The Prime Minister said these reforms to immigration needed to be brought to a “sustainable level” and said that “the system is broken.” These reforms will crack down on international student visas and low-skilled jobs. This comes as a reported half-a million people …

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