Researchers take on waste management in remote NT

In remote Northern Territory, some piles of legacy waste have sat in sites for up to 100 years without pathways for removal.

Researchers from Charles Darwin University have identified a range of possible solutions and developed frameworks for estimating waste removal costs.

The outback-based study examined landfill sites for five communities in the West Arnhem Region including Jabiru, Gunbalanya, Maningrida, Minjilang (Croker Island) and Warruwi (South Goulburn Island).

Image: CDU researchers Dr. Deepika Mathur and Ellie Norris have explored solutions to waste management in remote NT. Image courtesy of Clarisa Collis, Charles Darwin University.

Produced By: Vavineh Jordan

Featured In Story: Dr Deepika Mathur – Senior Research Fellow at the Charles Darwin University Northern Institute

First aired on The Wire, Friday 24 February 2023