Pentagon Document Leak

Last month dozens of top secret files where leaked to discord severs, the controversial message board 4Chan, Telegram – an encrypted messaging app and Twitter.

The documents have sensitive information ranges from Ukrainian and Russian casualties rates, current Iranian nuclear activity, North Korean missile capability and China’s possible reaction to a Ukrainian attack within Russia.  The leak also exposed which allies the US was eavesdropping on.

Russian media has capitalised on the leak to try and drive a wedge between the US and its allies but other than a formal complaint from two countries the Five Eyes intelligence organisations strategic ties remain strong.

The United States is still unsure who leaked the information and how they acquired it.

Image: Image: Shutterstock: Michail Petrov

Produced By: Dominic Giles

Featured In Story: Dr Malcolm Davis, Senior Analyst in Defence Strategy and Capability at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI)

First aired on The Wire, Tuesday 11 April 2023