Pathway to permanency for TPV and SHEV holders

The Federal Government announced refugees holding a temporary protection or safe haven enterprise visa can now transition to permanent residency via a Resolution of Status Visa (Subclass 851). 

Refugee community groups have been campaigning for the removal of TPV’s since the policy’s inception in 2014 under the Liberal-National Coalition government. 

The conversion process is expected to take 12 months, and the announcement has been welcomed by refugee organisations including Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS).

The Wire’s Toni Pankaluic spoke with Centre Director and Principal Solicitor from RACS, Sarah Dale, to find out more. 


Produced By: Toni Pankaluic

Featured In Story: Sarah Dale, Centre Director and Principal Solicitor from Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS)

First aired on The Wire, Monday 13 February