Energy Minister Chris Bowen talks with First Nations Clean Energy Network

Indigenous Australians have been getting advice from Indigenous Canadians on how to best enjoin in projects on clean energy.  Canadian indigenous people are the second largest clean energy owners in the country, with projects including wind, solar, hydrogen & thermal across the whole of the country.

One priority is to get regional and remote areas onto clean energy as many are reliant on diesel generators.  First Nations Clean Energy Network are optimistic the Federal Government will provide funding in the same way they have done in Canada and the US.

Image: Image: Shutterstock – Wandel Guides

Produced By: Roderick Chambers

Featured In Story: Karrina Nolan, Co-Chair Australian First Nations Clean Energy Network, and Freddie Campbell, Energy and Climate Senior Manager, Indigenous, Clean Energy Canada

First aired on The Wire, Wednesday, 18 October 2023