Endometriosis and pregnancy: Women’s accounts of doctor’s advice

Endometriosis is a painful and often misunderstood disease, and misinformation about its diagnosis and effective treatment options persists not only online but in the doctor’s office.  

Young Brisbane-based women have come forward about their experiences and challenges with endometriosis, including their experiences going to a GP and being advised to get pregnant at such a young age to ‘cure’ the disease. This advice has had major mental and emotional health impacts. 

Are young women given the right advice to treat and live with Endometriosis?

Image: Image Courtesy Sora Shimazaki (Pexels)

Produced By: Chloe White

Featured In Story: Australian women diagnose with endometriosis , and Nesrin Varol – Associate Professor at the University of Sydney and Director of the Sydney Gynaecology and Endometriosis Centre

First aired on The Wire, Friday 1 September 2023