Community Consultation for Seismic Blasting in Vic to End Today

Today is the final day of consultation for proposed seismic blasting in the Otway basin, on the southwest coast of Victoria.

Seismic blasting is the first step in offshore oil and gas exploration under the ocean floor.

This is one of three proposals being considered to conduct seismic blasting in the Basin, put forward by multinational CGG.

The proposals have been met with significant concern within the local community.

Image: Image: Supplied/ Judith Peppard

Produced By: Judith Peppard

Featured In Story: Lisa Deppler – Co-founder of Otway Coastal Environment Action Network, Mitch Pope – Otway Coastal Environmental Action Network advocate, and Associate Professor Laurie Laurenson – Marine Biologist and Member of the South-West Coast Scientific Group

First aired on The Wire, Monday 26 February 2024