Comic Arts Awards of Australia celebrate excellence

The Comic Arts Awards of Australia were first held 2005, acknowledging excellence in Australian comic art and publishing.

Ledger of Honour and Platinum Ledger awards have already been announced, along with the shortlist of amazing work and creators hoping to take out bronze, silver and gold.

Image: Image credit by: Gary Chaloner – Left: Will Donald’s “The Outcast Emperor”, Centre: Jakub Mazerant’s “PIECES”, Right: SCAR’s “Alien Eden”.

Produced By: Jon King

Featured In Story: Jakub Mazerant – Comic Arts Awards Platnium Ledger winner, Steve Carter – Comic Arts Awards Ledger of Honour winner, and Antoinette Rydyr – Comic Arts Awards Ledger of Honour winner

First aired on The Wire, Tuesday 5 September 2023