Byron Shire to rein-in Air BnB

NSW Minister for Planning Paul Scully has given the green light for the long awaited restrictions on short-term letting to be enacted by Byron Bay Shire Council.

The proliferation of Air BnB and Stayz type accommodation rentals was having a disastrous effect on the rental availability in Byron for residents and workers according to Mayor Michael Lyon.

The previous ceiling of 180 days on short term rentals in the shire will to be cut to 60 days, but businesses servicing this market believe the loss of income will cause layoffs and affect the viability of their businesses.

Other coastal hotspots will also be closely monitoring the effects of this measure.

Image: Image: Shutterstock – Thomas Pavelka

Produced By: Roderick Chambers

Featured In Story: Michael Lyon – Mayor Byron Shire

First aired on The Wire, Tuesday 26 September 2023