Brisbane Rallies for International Working Women’s Day

Women’s struggles have been put in the spotlight this week with International Women’s Day. But there is another ‘W’ that is just as important.

On Saturday, the Queensland Council of Unions hosted an International Working Women’s Day rally in Brisbane, Meanjin, to send a strong message that it’s time for fairer and more equitable workplaces.

The rally provided a platform for all members of the community to join in solidarity: women, the LGBTQ+ community, members of government and organizations including DecrimQLD, activists and union officials.

The Wire’s Nicholas Powell spoke to participants about some of the struggles women and LGBQT+ people face in the workplace, and how community support can help create a safer and fairer workplace.

Produced By: Nicholas Powell

Featured In Story: Member of Queensland Council of Unions (QCU), Zoe Russell, and DecrimQLD Campaign Leader, Janelle Fawkes

First aired on The Wire, Monday 13 March 2023