The building industry is asking the Queensland Government to delay changes made to the National Construction Code that would make homes more accessible for people with disabilities.
These changes follow over ten years of consultation with the building industry, disability and aged care sectors. And as the transition period to implement these changes edges closer, the building industry is concerned with the cost involved to meet these new accessibility standards.
For many vulnerable Australians, the search for suitable and accessible housing has proven extremely stressful. For Peter Steenstrup, the impacts have been significant, and have taken a toll on his entire family.
The Wire’s Mary-Kate Hannagan spoke to Peter Steenstrup, a Brisbane-based man and former builder, whose life drastically changed when he suffered a spinal injury three years ago.
Image: Image courtesy: Marcus Aurelius/ Pexels
Produced By: Mary-Kate Hannagan
Featured In Story: Peter Steenstrup
First aired on The Wire, Monday 31 July 2023