ACT Lawson grasslands under threat – part 1

In Part I we look at the threat posed by Defence Housing Australia to the critically endangered Natural Temperate Grasslands at Lawson, in the north of Canberra. The future of Lawson grasslands and the endangered species that call it home, hang in the balance.

Conservation Council ACT:

National Parks Association ACT:

Rebecca Vassarotti, MLA, FB video on Lawson grasslands:

Story produced with the support of the Community Media Training Organisation.

Image: Image: Richie Southerton

Produced By: Hedda Murray

Featured In Story: Senator David Pocock – ACT Independent Senator, Elle Lawless – Executive Director, Conservation Council ACT Region, and Rebecca Vassarotti, MLA – ACT Minister for the Environment, Heritage, Minister for Homelessness and Housing Services, and Minister for Sustainable Building and Construction

First aired on The Wire, Wednesday 21 February 2024