80 percent of Australians think possessing a small amount of cannabis shouldn’t be a criminal offence – that’s according to the Australian Institute Health and Welfare.
But, how is public perception on adult cannabis use in states like Victoria stacking up with current legislation? What would a regulated health-focused approach to adult-use cannabis look like?
A three-week community education campaign by independent, drug policy non-profit, Pennington Institute “Regulate It?” aims to broaden conversation, calling Victorians to consider views on safe cannabis regulation.
Director of Research, Dr Jake Dizard, says Australian attitudes are constantly evolving in favour of education and community safety.
Image: Image UnSplash – budding
Produced By: Emma Wotzke
Featured In Story: Dr Jake Dizard – Director of Research at the Pennington Institute, and
First aired on The Wire, Thursday 5 December 2024